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Thursday 29 September 2011

Class Photos

The class photos we took sometime back are finally ready for order! Take a look here. :)

I'm really happy to be 3E1's teacher. The moments we spend together everyday have brought us closer together. Seeing each and everyone of you learn and improve at your own pace really makes me happy. If I'm not teaching you next year, remember one thing. Always do your best. Everything you do is for yourself and not for anyone else.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Maths Trail Activity

We had an interesting lesson today. We went on a Maths Trail around the school. First, we went to the Canteen, then we visited the Foyer, to collect data that we could use to solve our maths problems.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


Hello friends, what are you doing this holidays? Having fun so far? You bet I'm having fun! Hey, in the midst of all the fun, do remember to revise your work. Term 4 is a very short term. You will be sitting for SA2 in October, which is only 1 month away. Wow!

Here's an interesting activity on magnets I've come across. Do explore and learn a little about magnets along the way.

Have fun! :)

By the way, it can be found here. If you are very very free, this site has many activities for you!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Our Homes

Recently, in our English lessons, we talked about our homes. Some of us brought pictures of our homes to show each other. Here's a few samples. Can you guess who lives in each home?

Photos posted with permission from their respective owners. (I can't say else you'll know... )